Rep. Jim Jordan: Time for Us to Fight for Trump, Constitution

President Donald Trump has been fighting for the American people and keeping his campaign promises for the past four years, so now it is time for Republicans in the House and Senate to fight for him, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, tells Newsmax TV.

Jordan is among a group of more than 100 House members who plan to object when the full Congress meets Wednesday to certify the presidential election results.

"This is about President Trump and the Constitution," he told "Greg Kelly Reports" on Monday. "He has fought for us, the American people. He has done more of what he said he would do than any president in our lifetimes, I mean, he's accomplished so much in his four years as president. It's time for us to fight for him and the Constitution."

Jordan said a process has been worked out where certain House members will object to Electoral College votes as each state with disputed electors comes up. The first, alphabetically, will be Arizona. Others on the list of disputed states are Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

The Senate at that point will return to its chamber and each house will debate the issue for two hours, followed by a vote. With two hours of debate for each state, the process could expand by at least 12 hours, he said.

Vice President Mike Pence, who leads the proceedings, will do so "in the appropriate manner," Jordan said. Pence has been under pressure from Trump supporters to do more than merely oversee the event and open the envelopes, with Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, filing an unsuccessful lawsuit, aiming to invoke more powers for the vice president.

Pence has indicated he supports the efforts of those who are backing the president. Still, a sizable number of Republicans have said they will not back the effort, saying it is a threat to democracy. They point to court rulings that found no widespread fraud sufficient to turn the election from Democrat Joe Biden, who is set to be sworn in Jan. 20.

via newsmax

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