Husband of Sen. Loeffler Announces Defiance of Trump Executive Order

The swamp is deep and filled with DeceptiCons who will strike at any given moment once they attain a useful position.  President Trump went to Georgia to campaign for Senator Kelly Loeffler.  Simultaneous to President Trump’s visible support, Loeffler’s husband Jeffrey Sprecher, owner of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), announces the NYSE will not blacklist Chinese telecommunications firms outlined in Trump’s executive order.

Background: On November 12, 2020, President Trump signed an executive order prohibiting American companies and individuals from owning shares in any of the 31 Chinese companies previously listed as enabling the People’s Liberation Army, effective Jan 11, 2021.  Three telecommunications companies China Mobile Ltd., China Telecom Corp Ltd., China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd., were targeted.

Literally as President Trump was traveling to Georgia to rally in support of Senator Loeffler, the NYSE –owned by Loeffler’s husband– announced they would not delist the Chinese companies:

CNBC – The New York Stock Exchange said it no longer plans to delist three Chinese telecommunications giants.

In a late Monday statement, the NYSE said it dropped the plans after “further consultation with relevant regulatory authorities in connection with Office of Foreign Assets Control.”

[…]  The exchange had originally planned to drop those listings in order to comply with an executive order that President Donald Trump signed in November. That order sought to bar American companies and individuals from investing in firms that the Trump administration alleged aid the Chinese military.

That ban is set to take effect Monday, a little more than a week before President-elect Joe Biden is set to to be inaugurated. (link)

Via Axios: “NYSE spokesperson Farrell Kramer declined to comment on what had changed in relation to compliance with the executive order. But Kramer referred Axios to a stock exchange statement saying that “in light of further consultation” it no longer intends to move forward with the delisting action.” (link)

Senator Kelly Loeffler and husband Jeffrey Sprecher, owner of NYSE

Kelly Loeffler was appointed by Georgia Governor Kemp because Loeffler is married to Jeffrey Sprecher; a GOPe party insider, mega-donor, and multi-millionaire CEO of the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE).

Jeffrey Sprecher is the founder and CEO of ICE, which now owns the New York Stock Exchange. Kelly Loeffler’s company, the financial platform Bakkt, is a subsidiary of the Intercontinental Exchange.

Corrupt as hell.  All of it.  Insider party schemes, combined with Deep Swamp politics and personal influence peddling for financial interests.  The familiar network of personal financial benefit.   In 2012 Mrs Loeffler donated $750,000 to Mitt Romney’s Super PAC.

Political connections is why Kelly Loeffler was selected by Governor Kemp, and that same pay-to-play political network is exactly why Nikki Haley originally endorsed her and campaigned for her in the 2020 election.

I have ZERO doubt Loeffler’s husband will be providing considerable financial payments to Nikki Haley in her run for the presidency.   Transparent swamp dealing.

Yes, Jeffrey Sprecher owns the largest stock exchange in the world: the New York Stock Exchange with more than 2,400 listed companies and a market capitalization of about $22.9 trillion…..  There are Always Trillions at Stake.


via theconservativetreehouse

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