Taylor Greene: Electoral College Challenge is ‘About Truth’

Georgia’s GOP Representative-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene on Sunday said a congressional challenge to the Electoral College vote certifying Joe Biden presidential win is “about truth and defending the people’s vote.”

In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Taylor Greene said the challenge isn’t about Republicans or Democrats.

“This isn't about political parties,” she insisted. “This is not about President [Donald] Trump versus Joe Biden. This is about the truth and defending the people's vote and it's appalling to me that our state leaders in Georgia are not listening to the people and doing what they're asking … a complete audit of every single machine and all of the ballots.”

Taylor Greene said the challenge process calls for each chamber to debate the issue, with each member getting five minutes to do so — but should be a “full-on debate.”

“We will be raising our objections and we will have sponsors and co-sponsors for each state. Once we do that, the chambers will separate,” she said. “The House will go its way. The Senate will go its way, and then that's where we begin our debates, where each member has five minutes on the floor. I think it should be a full-on debate because we have to fight this out for the American people and that's what we have to be doing. We have to make sure we get this right.”

According to the freshman lawmaker, “anything is possible and I believe we have to fight.”

“People that vote for Republicans are fed up with the Republican Party when they lay down and just hand something over,” she said. “Right now, it is a critical time for every single Republican in the House and in the Senate, to stand up and fight, right now, for this president and for the American people's vote. It's not a political party issue it's an issue of our integrity of our elections.”

via newsmax

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