Top 10 Trump accomplishments of 2020

[Editor's note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Politics.]

By Steve Cortes
Real Clear Politics

This year has been dominated by the pain and suffering thrust upon the globe by the criminal acts of the Chinese Communist Party. Even amid these harsh challenges, President Trump persevered to reach historic achievements. Therefore, as the year draws to its conclusion, it is worth detailing his 2020 accomplishments, as I have previously catalogued for each of the last three years.

At home and abroad, President Trump proved that there is, indeed, method to his madness. Though his unorthodox and sometimes frenetic approach confounds his critics, Trump’s disruptive leadership remained highly effective in 2020, even as our country and his administration faced many unwelcome challenges. Whatever the future holds for him, the 45th U.S. president compiled a record of achievement over these last four years that is impressive and historic.

Steve Cortes is a RealClearPolitics contributor and a senior adviser for strategy to the Trump 2020 Campaign.

[Editor's note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Politics.]

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